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Want to Turn Your Business Loss to a Profit?

Constrained cash flow is usually why most companies fold within the first two to three years of operation and often get overlooked by busy entrepreneurs focusing primarily on raising funds or posting an impressive profit.

If your business profits need a second look, feel free to reach out to us to talk things over.

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TAX DRx at a Glance

Our expertise is widespread and we have multiple office locations to make it convenient for you to get help. You can find us at:

TAX DRx Corporate Headquarters

502 Centennial Ave
Cranford, NJ 07016
(Grd St Pkwy - Ext 136)
(877) 263-1041

NYC - Harlem Franchise Office

2123 Frederick Douglass Blvd
New York, NY 10026
(8th Ave & 115th St.)
(Subway B, C, Bus M3)
(877) 263-1041

TAX DRx - Hillside

*Charles Dort, Managing Partner*
1568 Maple Ave, Store #1
(Corner of Conklin Ave)
Hillside, NJ 07205
(877) 408-1048

TAX DRx, dba/ TaxJohn

TaxJohn Tax Services
121 Park Ave
Plainfield, NJ 07060