Schedule an Appointment
Choose from our locations and meet with one of our qualified staff members.

Cranford NJ – TAX DRx HQ

New York City – TAX DRx Harlem

Plainfield, NJ – TAX DRx dba/ Tax John

Hillside Office – TAX DRx Hillside

TAX DRx at a Glance

Our expertise is widespread and we have multiple office locations to make it convenient for you to get help. You can find us at:

TAX DRx Corporate Headquarters

502 Centennial Ave
Cranford, NJ 07016

(Grd St Pkwy - Ext 136)
(877) 263-1041

NYC - Harlem Franchise Office

2123 Frederick Douglass Blvd
New York, NY 10026

(8th Ave & 115th St.)
(Subway B, C, Bus M3)
(877) 263-1041

TAX DRx - Hillside

*Charles Dort, Managing Partner*
1568 Maple Ave, Store #1
(Corner of Conklin Ave)
Hillside, NJ 07205
(877) 408-1048

TAX DRx, dba/ TaxJohn

TaxJohn Tax Services
121 Park Ave
Plainfield, NJ 07060