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Tax, Payroll and Personal Finance Calculators

This section includes a library of over one hundred financial calculators. The calculators are easy-to-use and provide in-depth analysis for virtually any financial scenario, along with graphs, charts and tables. The calculators are categorized by subject matter, which can be accessed from the links.

Please give us a call if you need assistance with the input or understanding the computed results for any of the calculators.  We are dedicated to providing our clients with valuable online resources to assist them with their everyday needs and long-range planning.  

Cash Flow



Home and Mortgage



Paycheck and Benefits

The calculators offer unmatched features for paycheck modeling. These personal finance paycheck calculators are here for employees to better manage their paychecks.

  • Paycheck Calculator

    Here you may calculate your net pay or "take home pay." Take home pay is what is left from your wages after withholdings for taxes and deductions for benefits have been subtracted. Salaried employees can enter either their annual salary or earnings per pay period.

Other Paycheck and Benefit Calculators

Qualified Plans





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TAX DRx at a Glance

Our expertise is widespread and we have multiple office locations to make it convenient for you to get help. You can find us at:

TAX DRx Corporate Headquarters

502 Centennial Ave
Cranford, NJ 07016
(Grd St Pkwy - Ext 136)
(877) 263-1041

NYC - Harlem Franchise Office

2123 Frederick Douglass Blvd
New York, NY 10026
(8th Ave & 115th St.)
(Subway B, C, Bus M3)
(877) 263-1041

TAX DRx - Hillside

*Charles Dort, Managing Partner*
1568 Maple Ave, Store #1
(Corner of Conklin Ave)
Hillside, NJ 07205
(877) 408-1048

TAX DRx, dba/ TaxJohn

TaxJohn Tax Services
121 Park Ave
Plainfield, NJ 07060