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Are you over 59-1/2 and having a low-income year?

If yes, you may be able to take an IRA distribution without any tax.

Even if you do file a return, but your taxable income is negative due to deductions and exemptions, you can also take a tax-free IRA distribution.

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(877) 263-1041

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New York, NY 10026

(8th Ave & 115th St.)
(Subway B, C, Bus M3)
(877) 263-1041

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1568 Maple Ave, Store #1
(Corner of Conklin Ave)
Hillside, NJ 07205
(877) 408-1048

TAX DRx, dba/ TaxJohn

TaxJohn Tax Services
121 Park Ave
Plainfield, NJ 07060